From the Mouth of Madness

Is it just me or...

March 28 2008, 12:56 PM

Is this myspace tracker worthless. I want to know who is viewing my profile mainly because I know I have a stalker. And I believe she is female and I believe she has ties to my BF. Because he used to get a lot of late night random phone calls and a voice mail of some chick crying after saying my name then his name then "its F*@%^$ up".

So I loaded the tracker but all its giving me is anonymous looked at your page and the IP address of the computer. And I am supposed to identify the IP address how? Guess?

I just don't understand. What am I missing?

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Intro to Createblog

March 27 2008, 2:58 PM

So I signed up for this createblog thing for the myspace tracker and I have quickly discovered that so much more can be done on this site. I probably won't blog or add new pictures here often. But I will visit from time to time. Odd though as I was setting up my profile I clicked to upload a banner and to my astonishment I was suddenly looking at porn tube. I don't know if it was my fault (porn generally disgusts me and leads to occasional fights with the boyfriend) or if it somehow a fault of createblog but, I am lucky I was able to back out of porn tube just as my boss was turning the corner to visit me in my cube. That's not how I envisaged myself ever getting fired, for looking at porn on the job. What a way to go, and how would I explain that to everyone I know. They would never believe me anyway.


So I am going to give this site a try for a while. Myspace has worn away at my sanity. People there are too needy, and chicks flock to my guitar god of a boyfriend and it pisses me off, and makes me jealous. Yes I get jealous very easily in some cases. but I try to go against my nature and be a normal happy human being.



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  • Female
  • 25 years old


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Page views 938
Last update Mar 28, 2008